The poetry of the late writer, written 30 years ago, is collected in a new anthology.
Iain Banks's Unseen Poems Now in Print
U.S. Soon to Face Worst “Megadroughts” in a Millenium, Scientists Predict
Within this century, climate change will bring "megadroughts" that will rival any drought seen for the past 1,000 years.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Took a Tipsy Nap at the State of the Union
The 81-year-old Supreme Court Justice admitted in a recent interview she was not “100 percent sober” at the event.
Israel Elections: Buji and Bibi: Neck and Neck
Israelis are tired of Netanyahu, but have yet to warm to Herzog.
One in Four Young Saudis at Risk of Heart Attack, Study Warns
The report also showed that a high level of participants suffered from diabetes and over 27% were obese.
Israel Election: Why Is Netanyahu Addressing Congress?
The Israeli prime minister is gambling the speech will help win the March poll.
Greek Shares and Bonds Return to Pre-Election Levels on Deal Anticipation
Stocks rose to two-month highs, while government bond yields hit their lowest in three weeks.
Russia’s Crimea-Based Black Sea Fleet Carries Out Practice Drills
The drills come just days before the beginning of the ceasefire agreed to start on Sunday.
ISIS Takes Over Radio Station in Libya, Reports Say
Armed militants have been photographed at a sound board, according to a watchdog.
Study Finds Link Between Pollution and Suicide
Exposure to elements that exist in polluted air were found to be associated with cases of suicide.
Iraqi Forces Fend off ISIS Attack on Anbar Air Base Used By United States Marines
Eight members of ISIS were killed during the battle at Anbar base used by U.S. Marines.
Swedish Police Make Arrests in Raids on Torrent Sites
Sites forced offline include Sweden’s second largest torrent site Tankafetast and The Pirate Hub.
Drivers Exposed to 29 Times More Air Pollution While Stopped at Red Lights, Study Finds
Stopping and starting at traffic lights may be a mess for your health.
Russian Parliament Warns Europe’s Longstanding Peace in Jeopardy
An extraordinary letter, addressed to major European bodies, compares the Ukraine crisis to WW2.
U.N. Secretary Praises Three Young Muslims Killed in North Carolina
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the trio represented the best values of global citizenship.
Nebraska Judge Stops TransCanada from Using Eminent Domain for Keystone XL
The temporary injunction was prompted by a lawsuit from 70 landowners who don't want the pipeline on their property.
Kiev Agreed to Truce—At Gunpoint
Merkel and Hollande are right to distrust Putin and his separatist stooges.
Contacts With a Zoom Lens
A team of optics researchers at EPFL are working on telescopic contact lenses designed for daily use.
Valentine's Day Hashtag Asks Users to Capture Love in Four Words
Twitter users weigh in ahead of Valentine’s Day on Saturday.
Website of UAE Newspaper al Ittihad Hacked by Group Claiming ISIS Affiliation
The website was branded with two logos regularly used by the Islamic State, including the Black Standard flag.